The Demographic Winter
Hi! My name is Caden Hill and I'm excited to start my first blog! I'm doing this for my Family Relations class, since I have started taking this class, I have felt more passionately about the family than I ever have before. So far what I've learned about this class is the demographic winter that we're currently facing around the world, but even in the United States. When we say that we're in a demographic winter, that means that as population might be able to increase exponentially population can also decrease exponentially. This is seen most clearly by the birth rate. Now, what we should see is a birth rate of about 2.1. What that means, is that for every two parents there should be just a little over two kids to replace them so that the population continues to grow. We reviewed this video as a class talking about the population of the world and the United States, and what we found is that our population is starting to go...