Dating. Ah yes, dating. Such a fun and horrible topic. For me, it has been a topic I haven’t cared about much, due to my lack of desire for commitment, until recently. For me, dating in high school was a waste of time and money. I didn’t understand why I would want to take someone out that I knew I wasn’t going to marry. Obviously, now my opinion on dating has changed a ton. Throughout high school, and after I graduated until I went on my mission, I knew that my experiences with “dating” weren’t going to go anywhere. I would just go on dates to have fun, and eventually got bored of things never going anywhere with anyone. I only had meaningless relationships. What I mean by that, is there was never any commitment, so it was just a waste of time to be with these girls. I had this idea that I didn’t want anything to get in the way of going on a mission, and I knew that having a relationship could interfere with those goals. So, then I just stopped dating entirely until af...