Entrepreneurial Journal Blog Beginning
This is just the beginning of my Entrepreneurial Journal Blog. I had originally created this blog so that I could fulfill the requirements of a class, and that’s what this next section will be as well. I began with blogging about what I had been learning as a Marriage and Family Studies major, looking to achieve my degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). This blog will be about what I am learning in my Introduction to Entrepreneurship class, which is ultimately my overall career journey. I wanted to begin with talking about how I came to take this class. To do that, I will have to talk about my journey of self-discovery. I have always felt like I am good at anything that I set my mind to. However, after I returned home from serving a two-year mission for my church, I didn’t feel like anything really had much of any purpose. I was doing what I believed was God’s work- participating in the eternal salvation of souls! Nothing else can really compare to that, and I still stand by that...