Dream Big Dreams
I really appreciated the first video that we watched in our class this week. In this video, a man shares an experience of going to a conference where his business was placed in the top 100. He went to this conference expecting to be somewhere in the 70's of the nation. It was to his surprise that he ranked number 11 in the nation. He taught us to never overestimate or underestimate ourselves. I'm sure that running a business doesn't always start the same way for all of us, but it's important to never underestimate yourself. It reminds me of one of my greatest physical personal achievements. My senior year of high school I was trying to make it to state on the swim team in the 100 Breaststroke. I had barely made it the year before, and didn't perform very well, so I was really determined this year. My very first meet I ended up qualifying for state! I was so excited! But with each meet that came and went, I realized I had hit a plateau. I kep...