Celebrate Your Life
This final week of the semester’s concept is centered on the end result of your business. There were various resources that we had to study from that were essentially about having an enduring life plan throughout your life/business. What that means is finding the right way to run your business, and then to continue the course throughout the rest of your life. There were many examples that were shared, both good and bad, that showed the importance of this concept, and I’ll share my favorites here. The first one is a scriptural account of King David. He was a righteous man to begin with, but eventually he let what was important to the world (defeating many men) and desires of the flesh (lusting after bathsheba) take precedence over the things of God. Because of this he was estranged from God. David began the race well, but eventually failed to finish his course. Second, Tom Monaghan, the founder of Domino’s Pizza, talked about his experience as an entrepreneur. He was incredibly successf...