
Dream Big Dreams

     I really appreciated the first video that we watched in our class this week. In this video, a man shares an experience of going to a conference where his business was placed in the top 100. He went to this conference expecting to be somewhere in the 70's of the nation. It was to his surprise that he ranked number 11 in the nation. He taught us to never overestimate or underestimate ourselves.       I'm sure that running a business doesn't always start the same way for all of us, but it's important to never underestimate yourself. It reminds me of one of my greatest physical personal achievements. My senior year of high school I was trying to make it to state on the swim team in the 100 Breaststroke. I had barely made it the year before, and didn't perform very well, so I was really determined this year. My very first meet I ended up qualifying for state! I was so excited! But with each meet that came and went, I realized I had hit a plateau. I kept getting the

Disciple Leadership

     This week we talked about becoming disciple leaders. Typically when we talk about becoming a disciple, we are talking about following. But when we use these two words together we are talking about being both a follower and a leader. To me, a disciple leader is someone who can use the teachings of the one they follow, embody those teachings, and lead under those teachings as well. I believe that the best way to achieve this is through REALLY applying what you learn. So for me, I strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is also important that we mention what the word strive means. To strive means to make great efforts, to struggle or fight vigorously , to achieve or obtain something. That definition is important to me because that means that there is heart and passion in what you do. I’m a firm believer that the most influential speakers that motivate you, or speak to your heart, are the ones that put passion into what they are saying. You know that they have put in some i

Overcoming Challenges

     This week as we studied what it meant to overcome challenges, I realized how much I admire those that have come before me. We read about pioneers and their perseverance in building the Salt Lake Temple. Not only did they have to do all of the groundwork for the temple, then bury it due to threats, but to re-dig, begin the foundation, and haul slabs of heavy stone to build the temple. Through all of the hardships I imagine that they wondered if it was worth it at all. Yet, they continued to build in the faith that this was a commandment from God and that they would enjoy the blessings that came from the ordinances in the temple.       If I were to relate this to the upcoming challenges that I will undoubtedly face in my entrepreneurial journey, I'm trying to imagine what those challenges might be. I can foresee logistical issues popping up. I might be pretty naive, like most people that want to start a business, but I recognize that there has so be a commitment to jump in with

Moving Forward with a Driving Passion

     This week we talked about what it means to move forward with a driving passion. It was exceptionally helpful for me to remember where I have gotten my passions from. If you’re anything like me, passion for life has come and gone. I’m sure you can relate on some level and to some aspect. I wanted to talk for just a second about reestablishing passion for life in general. For me, it seems like when I am working towards a goal of some sort, I feel the progress, and I fall in love. For example, I had a different teacher assign us goals to stay accountable to. He wanted us to choose three goals for each of these three areas of our life to work towards for 4 weeks: physical, spiritual, and relational. He didn’t tell us how to set these goals, except for they needed to be goals that make us stretch individually and were achievable, and measurable (for example: working out for 4 days a week). Ever since I started working on all of these goals, I have remembered how much I love life! And a

So You Want to be an Entrepreneur?

     This week of our studies was a great reminder for me. The three most important concepts that I learned this week are: be monogamous in your career, you have to make time for your family, friends, and fun (and don’t try to crunch that time), and be loyal to God and family. The next three paragraphs will address these concepts respectively.      I think that it is extremely important to keep your mind on just one career. It's easy to try and make money in a lot of different areas, but that can split your focus, and make you feel spread thin. This can be especially important when it comes to trying to be emotionally available for your family. This stuck out to me because I am somebody who does tend to spread myself thin. I want to be able to focus on one area of my life at a time. I can see the strength that comes from mastering a specific area of my life. What that does is gives me a certain foundation, professionally, so that I can take whatever challenges that come in stride,

Skill, Character, or Luck?

     This week we learned from many successful self-made entrepreneurs the things that they think are successful. They were all asked what the most important thing was to making a successful entrepreneur- is it skill, character, or luck. Many of them answered with skill. To which, I definitely agree, but I don’t think that it’s everything. I think that we all have natural skills that help us to be exceptionally proficient in a specific area of our lives, but we also need to to work on those, and practice them. On top of that, character is what makes the reputation. I know that it’s not very popular to work on how you are presented, but I feel like it means so much to your customers and other people that you do business with. It gives you a reputation, and whether that is honorable or not is up to your beliefs and actions that are reflected in your business. That reputation will influence the amount of business that comes to you as well. Furthermore, I know that there has to be a presen

Life Plan of Core Values

     This week we wrote a short essay on what our life plan of core values would be. I would like to share exactly those. You will notice a simple pattern with each of my core values. They follow this structure: defining the core value, making an active statement or two, and stating a positive affirmation. The positive affirmation is weird for me, but I believe what I have been taught, and that is that the more that I say positive things, they become planted in my subconscious mind, and I will become that person that I strive to be. I also have to mention that these values are important to me, and therefore will contain more of the beliefs that motivate me and bring purpose and fulfillment to my life.       Charity: w ithout pure love for everyone, I am nothing. The greatest joys in life are found when we exercise love. We become more like the Savior when we love. I will always choose to love. If I feel that I am out of love to give, I will still give love. I love everyone enduringly.